Monday, April 2, 2012

Pretty Places

 Got to love our pretty beautiful country, always a joy to photograph!!!

(I believe snow is due, after the week of sun bliss we just had....pretty please stay away!!!)

Sarah Portrait

I wanted to post these portraits of the wonderful Sarah McCall @Morgan the Agency, I love her Irish complexion, freckles never looked better!!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Gary Bell - Faoi Thalamh Le Cool Dublin, March 8th

I got to do this portrait for Le Cool Dublin...
Gary Bell - Faoi Thalamh
Le Cool Dublin, March 8th

This made me laugh!!

I just came across this image while editing, thank you stylist Ryan and model Kelly for the laughter!!

The Sweeneys 2

Thank you The Sweeneys for this shoot, it was great to catch up!!

bright Sparks, Weeklyedit

Weekly Edit, March 21st 2012
Photographer: Emily Quinn
Stylist: Alison McGilligan
Model: Sarah McCall Morgan the Agency
Make-Up: Danielle Murphy
Hair: Sandra Crosbie
Shot on location at The Photography Studio.